AsamoahGyan is Africa’s highest paid footballer

 AsamoahGyan has been named as Africa’s highest paid footballer, the Ghana captain’s staggering £226,923.07 ($350,000 or GH¢1.429,615.03) a week salary in China placing him just above Ivory Coast captain, YayaToure who earns £220,000.00 weekly. This was revealed by UK based website,’s ratings of 200 best paid footballers in the world today in a list that included highest paid football coaches as well. Gyan is number 6 in the world behind Lionel Messi (£313,461.00), Cristiano Ronaldo (£288,000.00), Wayne Rooney (£285,000.00), ZlatanIbrahimovic (£275,000.00) and (Gareth Bale £256,000.00) with YayaToure just coming in at number 7.

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