100mph flying car could become a reality, experts say also play the video

A three-wheeled flying vehicle, which can reach speeds of 112mph in the air and 106mph on land, is the design 'most likely to become a reality', technology experts have said.
The Pal-V One looks like a small helicopter and flies similarly, using an overhead propeller to lift the vehicle and a tail-mounted blade to adjust direction.
However, when on terra firma, the Pal-V is equally as impressive. While it qualifies as a motorcycle – due to its three-wheel design – and has the according agility, it provides car-like comfort for its two passengers.
A 230hp, four-cylinder engine powers the hybrid, which can convert from a trike to a gyrocopter in just 10 minutes.
Its 122-litre tank means it can travel up to 220 miles at low altitudes (below 1,200 metres), or drive for up 750 miles.
It weighs just 665kg empty thanks to a carbon fibre, titanium, and aluminium construction.
The model, made by a Netherlands-based company of the same name, was chosen as Maxim Magazine's flying car most likely to fly from a list of other concepts and designs.
The reason for its selection is because it has actually flown – as far back as 2012.
At the time, Top Gear magazine introduced it with the title 'Dutch men invent plausible flying car'.
The firm is reportedly in the process of obtaining certification for the vehicle in the EU and America.
Robert Dingemanse, the firm's CEO, has promised 'significant updates' in upcoming months as manufacturing of the Pal-V Limited Edition model begins.
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